Strategy Lars Swann Strategy Lars Swann

Pitfalls to avoid in making a strategic plan

For businesses, having a strategic plan in place is vital for the long-term success and sustainability of the business. It serves as a roadmap for your business that gives you a clear direction, sets out the priorities, and helps you to make sure that you are using your resources effectively to reach your goals.

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Strategy Lars Swann Strategy Lars Swann

2023 – A year for resilience?

In 2022, despite the troubles with the economy, we have been amazed at the resilience of our clients and how they have energetically moved their businesses into new areas, products and services. Many of our clients have redesigned delivery and payment systems, moved their entire processes digital, accepted remote working and adopted to new technologies to survive and indeed prosper.

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Strategy Lars Swann Strategy Lars Swann

Thinking long term is a key business strategy

We were finally getting over the financial crisis when Covid struck. Then, in the trough of the worst economic downturn in 300 years, we discovered that recovery was driving the FTSE to new heights and the job market into a frenzy. In the wake of that, it became clear that the recovery was overheating and that we are now facing a period of rising inflation and industrial action.

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