Net Zero Technology Centre innovation funding
The Net Zero Technology Centre has launched the first of two open funding windows for 2022.
Businesses from across the globe can apply for a share of £7 million available in the first funding window, with a maximum of £1 million to be awarded to each successful project.
The projects must support the transition towards net zero with an obligation of trialling and deploying technology within the UK continental shelf. As well as funding, the projects will also gain access to data facilities and technical expertise from industry.
The following technology focus areas have been identified for this funding window:
carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
hydrogen and clean fuels
renewables and energy storage
zero emissions power
venting and flaring
integrity management - well integrity
late life and decommissioning
integrity management - CUI
Digital and data architecture, smart assets and field automation will be technology focus areas within the £3 million second open innovation programme in October.
See: Net Zero Technology Centre innovation funding (