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Consultation on Managing Fishing Quota in 2023 and Beyond

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched a consultation on Managing Quota in 2023 and Beyond.

The UK is now an independent coastal state with rights and duties under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to control and manage the resources in our waters. The UK has left the EU and the common fisheries policy and, over the coming years, Defra will reform how we manage our fisheries. This includes the freedom to negotiate with the EU and other coastal states for a fairer share of fishing opportunities. Defra has previously committed to exploring new methodologies for apportioning and allocating any additional quota that is negotiated by virtue of the UK's new independent status. 

The Fisheries Act 2020 provides the legal framework for the distribution of quota and sets out the fisheries objectives we must achieve. Defra is working with the devolved administrations to develop the Joint Fisheries Statement. This will set out the policies for contributing to the achievement of these objectives. Alongside this, Defra is developing fisheries management plans to help deliver on those policies. As part of this, Defra wants to improve how they use quota. 

In 2022, Defra will apportion and allocate quota using the same temporary methods that were used last year. This is expected to change in future years following this consultation.

In the consultation, Defra sets out options for future distribution of additional quota from 2023.

See: Consultation on Managing Quota in 2023 and Beyond - Defra - Citizen Space