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Applying Extended Reality (XR) technology to your business

There is a new two-day extended reality (XR) conference on 28 and 29 September 2022 in Sheffield.

'Immerse Technology Conference: Understanding & Application in Industry' is an XR workshop and demonstration event that will focus on augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies for enterprise.

Organised by Made Smarter Innovation, Immerse UK and AREA (Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance), in collaboration with the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, the conference will give you a chance to:

●      Meet like-minded professionals.

●      Learn more about the challenges, benefits and possibilities of enterprise XR.

●      Discover use cases.

●      Speak to organisations implementing and developing the technology.

Workshop sessions over the two days will allow participants to have the opportunity to discuss the benefits of AR and VR, and how to deploy and overcome the barriers to adoption.

An interactive format will allow you to engage with industry experts in the following areas:

●      Starting the AR conversation in your organisation

●      Identifying requirements for enterprise XR

●      Managing commonly encountered safety risks

●      Understanding the security risks associated with XR

●      Managing change, stakeholder and staff challenges

●      UX design and development for VR and AR apps

Along with keynote speakers from organisations that have implemented XR, interactive workshop sessions, networking and demos, you can also mix and mingle with like-minded colleagues, develop new connections and get the low-down on what other organisations are doing in this exciting space.

The cost is £50+VAT per person for both days, including lunch and all activities.

See: Summary - Immerse Technology Conference: Understanding & Application in Industry (